Monday, February 10, 2020

Activities for Tuesday/Wednesday (2-11/2-12)--REMEMBER YOUR HANDOUTS!

Re-read BRIGHT ORANGE handout on “The Fifties” and connect the examples described in each paragraph to passages in Fahrenheit 451 (include page #s and some context) in the margins of the article--in pairs, or alone. After 10 minutes and stand up with your handout and a pencil, move to another part of the room and “give one answer/get one answer” from another student. 3-5 min, then return to seats.

Next, we practiced identifying a motif in the text yesterday (hands). But we have also identified mirrors, fire, music, animals/nature, religion, knowledge vs. ignorance, censorship, happiness, as potential motifs. Work in groups of three to trace a second motif in Part 1 and the beginning of Part 2, using the same format as we did in class Monday, but written in your journals. 30 minutes 
We will share out  findings on Thursday.

For the second half of class, write a second practice analysis paragraph. I have provided 4 themes, and a quote for each of those themes. Answer the prompt for one of these 4 choices in your journal. REMINDER: you are still not allowed to include more than 4 words from the quote in your own paragraph.

Students who finish early should read quietly until the bell. No cellphones today.