Thursday, February 27, 2020


Reflection on 451 Socratic Seminar #2

      1) What was the most thought-provoking idea, or set of ideas, that we got to discuss? Explain.
     2) Was there any part of your discussion today that caused you to rethink your own ideas or to see a situation from a new perspective? Explain.
       3) What was valuable about today’s Socratic Seminar?
      4) What could have gone better (offer solutions to difficult moments, awkward topics, ways to better include everyone, etc.)?

  MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST Mon (B classes) and Tues (A classes).
  In-class essay test Wed/Thurs (see topics on the LEFT side of this webpage).

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Updated due dates/Reminders:

Finish the book before Monday's class (2-24).

We have written 3 practice quote analysis paragraphs in class. Your REVISED, BEST paragraph is due on Monday, 2-24, by the end of class. No late work will be accepted for this assignment. 
Absent? Type it and email it to me on Monday.

The Close Reading Proficiency Test is Tues/Wed (2-25/2-26)

There will be a multiple choice test AND an in-class essay the following week.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Activities for Tuesday/Wednesday (2-11/2-12)--REMEMBER YOUR HANDOUTS!

Re-read BRIGHT ORANGE handout on “The Fifties” and connect the examples described in each paragraph to passages in Fahrenheit 451 (include page #s and some context) in the margins of the article--in pairs, or alone. After 10 minutes and stand up with your handout and a pencil, move to another part of the room and “give one answer/get one answer” from another student. 3-5 min, then return to seats.

Next, we practiced identifying a motif in the text yesterday (hands). But we have also identified mirrors, fire, music, animals/nature, religion, knowledge vs. ignorance, censorship, happiness, as potential motifs. Work in groups of three to trace a second motif in Part 1 and the beginning of Part 2, using the same format as we did in class Monday, but written in your journals. 30 minutes 
We will share out  findings on Thursday.

For the second half of class, write a second practice analysis paragraph. I have provided 4 themes, and a quote for each of those themes. Answer the prompt for one of these 4 choices in your journal. REMINDER: you are still not allowed to include more than 4 words from the quote in your own paragraph.

Students who finish early should read quietly until the bell. No cellphones today.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Be sure to use the posted resources--especially the summary (to double check your understanding of plot) and the examples of both close reading practice and analysis paragraphs. As you identify your own strengths in your work, the examples will help you with the gaps in your understanding so you can achieve higher proficiency in these standards.

Remember: the reading schedule is somewhat fluid, but you must complete each section before the deadlines (Part 1 is done before class Mon., 2-10, Part 2 is done before class Thurs/Fri., 2-13/2-14, the book is finished before class Mon., Feb. 24). Reading 60 to 80 pages in one sitting is not the optimal way to read Bradbury's work, so be sure to read shorter passages over the week.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Just a quick reminder that you need to complete the REFLECTION portion of the Socratic Seminar (4 questions on page 2 of the handout from class) by the beginning of Tues/Wed class (we won't have time to check it on Monday). This is a completion grade--you get as much out of it as you put into it.

Absent on Friday and need to make up the Socratic Seminar? Answer the 10 questions (see posted pre-discussion worksheet) in your journal, have a conversation with your family about those questions, then write your reflection. I will be grading your reflection for CONTENT to make up the Socratic Seminar points you missed. 

You should be reading the first 25 pages of Fahrenheit 451 in order to be ready for discussion and close reading practice on Tues/Wed. Monday is teacher-modelled close reading, which will be posted at the left side by Tuesday (in case you missed class).