Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Upcoming work due.....

On THURSDAY, April 18 you will have 4 completed socratic seminar reflections in your journal to show me (or the replacement assignment, if you missed a discussion). You will also have a PRINTED copy of your rough draft for the Great Expectations thematic essay.

Monday, April 22 is a B-day due to grading on Friday.

On TUESDAY, April 23, you will have your FINAL DRAFT printed before class. You will also have submitted your essay to the turnitin.com website.

THURSDAY, April 25 is the last day to submit late work or revisions for this six-weeks. If you are done with your art project (assigned 4-23), you may work on revisions during class. Your ONE-PAGER is due at the end of the period on April 25.