Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Quick reminders as we head into the winter break:
Revision instructions for Ender's Game essays (focusing on how to "level up" on the RL2 rubric and how to improve organization) will be in class on Thursday and Friday. Two options for revision are available to you: 1) fix sentence-level errors in class and turn them in before the end of class for a partial grade repair (no more than one grade up) OR 2) conference with Evans during class, fully revise/re-envision your essay over the break and turn in the graded original and the new essay in the first 3 days after the break (Jan 6-8) for a full grade replacement.

You MUST have checked out a fiction book that shares thematic elements with the nonfiction book your group read over the last 3 weeks. The expectation is that you have finished the book (and the reading log entries) by January 13. It is your choice to read over the break or not. The deadline cannot move.